Friday, December 23, 2011

Bodybuilders Workout Schedule - How to Set Up Your Very Own Workout Schedule

!9#: Bodybuilders Workout Schedule - How to Set Up Your Very Own Workout Schedule

In order to set up a bodybuilders workout schedule you've got to know few fundamental things about bodybuilding. First of all I would like to say that there's no need to follow a workout schedule that is used by professional bodybuilders... Only think about it - those guys just train and eat like animals and they sleep. They don't need to go to work, school or college... They're hardcore and what works for them, doesn't always work for others.

In fact a lot of newbies who want to follow a workout schedule that are used by PRO's often screw up... They damage their spines, they strain their muscles and they do some other crazy things to themselves.

In order to set up your own bodybuilders workout schedule you've got to know what works and what doesn't:

Start from a goal: Every person who goes to the gym should have a goal. There are so many people who want to gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time and to be honest with you - this is impossible... If your main goal is to build muscle, then you'll have to follow a completely different workout and eating plan than you would if you would want to lose body fat. You've got to know exactly what do you want to achieve in the gym.

Don't waste your time on exercises which were designed for losers: At the moment there are so many different exercises to choose from... But you should know that the best way to build a lot of muscle is to focus on old-school barbell and dumbbell exercises. Forget about modern exercising machines, forget about the crap that is promoted on TV, instead focus on the things that work. Squats, bench press, deadlifts, barbell curls, skullcrushers, shoulder press, dips - these are the exercises that will help you to achieve the goals you want to achieve.

Set up a body-split workout schedule: In order to achieve the maximum results in the shortest period of time you'll have to follow a body-split workout schedule. You've got to understand that it's not a good thing to work with your leg, back and chest muscles on the same day... You can't do that and this is why you've to follow a body-split workout schedule. Here's an example of a good body-split workout schedule:

Monday (chest, biceps)

1) Incline barbell press 4x8

2) Flat barbell press 4x8

3) Dumbbell flyes 3x8~12

4) Dips 2xMax

5) Standing barbell curls 3x8-12

6) Dumbbell concentration or preacher curls 3x8-12

Tuesday (shoulders, traps, abs)

1) Lateral raise 4x8-12

2) Front raise 3x16

3) Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4x8

4) Seated behind-the-neck barbell press 4x8

5) Barbell Shrugs 4xMAX

6) Sit-ups (machine) 4x20 (lighter weight)

7) Crunches 3xMAX

Wednesday: REST

Thursday (back and triceps)

1) Pull-ups 3xMAX

2) Bent-over barbell rows 4x8

3) One-arm dumbbell rows 3x8-12

4) Deadlifts 4x8

5) Skullcrushers 3x8-12

6) Tricep pushdowns 3x12-16

Friday (legs)

1) Squats 4x8

2) Leg-press 4x8

3) Leg-extension 3x8-12

4) Lying leg curls 4x8

5) Calve raises 4xMAX

Bodybuilders Workout Schedule - How to Set Up Your Very Own Workout Schedule

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

bodybuilding exercise: home triceps workout Video clip showing proper form for the french press exercise for triceps. This is a great exercise you can do at home with just an inexpensive barbell set. If you want big arms, remember that the triceps is actually a bigger muscle than the biceps so dont neglect it! As with any dumbbell exercise, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don't use too much weight, if you can't do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud "one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand" on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise. Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn't have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts. For more information on home workouts, please see my free website (no advertising either) Limitation of Liability Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program ...

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Adjustable Dumbbell (Single)

!9#: Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Adjustable Dumbbell (Single)

Brand : Bowflex | Rate : | Price : $295.01
Post Date : Dec 06, 2011 17:02:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Create the ultimate strength building workout with Bowflex Select Tech 10-90 lb Dumbbell. Two 1090 dumbbells (each sold separately) replaces up to 34 individual dumbbells. With just the turn of a dial, you can automatically change your resistance from 10 lbs all the way to 90 lbs, in 5 lb increments.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Confidence Fitness Pro Weights Adjustable 40-pound Dumbbells Set

!9# Confidence Fitness Pro Weights Adjustable 40-pound Dumbbells Set

Brand : Confidence | Rate : | Price : $99.99
Post Date : Nov 16, 2011 02:24:53 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

  • Set includes one set of two dumbbells
  • Each dumbbell can have up to 4-20 lbs at the same time
  • Great for home fitness programs

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Confidence Fitness Pro Weights Adjustable 40-pound Dumbbells Set

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

80 lb. Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Grey Plates

!9#80 lb. Adjustable Dumbbell Set with Grey Plates

Brand : Cap
Rate :
Price :
Post Date : Nov 05, 2011 10:21:42
Usually ships in 4-5 business days

The 80 lb. Dumbbell Set will be mailed in 2 - 40 lb. boxes.Box # 1 will contain 10 lbs. x 2 pairs.Box # 2 will contain 5 lbs. x 2 pairs, 2 1/2 lbs. x 2 pairs, and Dumbbell Handles with Collars x 1 pair.

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

How To Lose Back Fat the 'Dumb' Way

!9# How To Lose Back Fat the 'Dumb' Way

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Many people are so preoccupied with their fat gut, chubby thighs or flabby arms, they don't even think about fat in the back as being a problem. The one exception I often encounter is women who are aware that they have unsightly rolls of fat spilling from under their bra straps, and want to do something about it.

Men and women both, though, can improve their looks tremendously by developing a well-toned back. As with excess fat anywhere, reducing back fat will also be good for your health.

There are exercises you can do with inexpensive dumbbells that will help you sculpt an attractive back, one you will be proud to show to the world. You ladies might even be tempted to start wearing that low-backed party dress again.

Before I describe these "dumb" exercises for your back, understand that, technically, fat cannot be spot-reduced. If you have rolls of fat on your back, it means you have too much fat on your body, period. You should combine dieting and cardiovascular exercise to burn off fat all around, then use the dumbbell exercises to strengthen and define your back muscles.

One of the many low-carb diets may work for you. But I prefer for people to adopt a fat-losing diet that takes into account their unique physiology, nutritional requirements, body type and lifestyle. Such an individualized diet plan is not often found in the mass-marketed diet books, but there are resources on the Internet that can help you develop one for yourself.

To educate yourself on what fat is, how you accumulate it, and how to tailor a diet and exercise program that will maximize fat loss for your individual circumstances, there's a great e-book available you can download from the Web. I've reviewed this e-book elsewhere and it gets my highest recommendation.

Now, to those dumbbell exercises for your back ...

The "Dumb" Deadlift: You should be standing with your feet a few inches apart from one another. Grasping a dumbbell in each hand, arms at your sides, bend forward from your hips until the dumbbells are in front of your ankles. Tense your lower body, then raise yourself back to a standing position, keeping the weights hanging down at arm's length. Repeat at least a dozen times. Do two to three sets of this exercise, resting 30 seconds between sets.

The deadlift works the latissimus dorsi muscles, commonly called the lats, the largest muscles of the back. Well developed lats will make your waist appear smaller while creating a tight looking back.

The deadlift also works the erector spinae, a group of muscles supporting the spinal column. Developing the erectors will make your lower back look more attractive.

But wait, there's more! The deadlift also works the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps, trapezius, obliques, abdominals and forearms. It is truly a great all-around exercise.

The "Dumb" Power Clean: Place two dumbbells on the floor next to each other and stand just behind them. Bend your knees and squat, grabbing a dumbbell in each hand with an underhand grip. Stand up, bringing the dumbbells off the floor and allowing them to settle near the fronts of your hips. Quickly, "shrug" the dumbbells up to chest height while you rise up on your toes, then bend your knees a little in order to get "below" the weights (the dumbbells should rest across the front of your shoulders). Pause, then perform the same steps in reverse as you return the weights to the floor. Do 12 repetitions, rest 30 seconds, then do 12 more repetitions.

The power clean is another great multiple-muscle exercise, working the lower back along with the thighs, hips, trapezius, abdominals, shoulders, forearms and biceps.

The "Dumb" One-Arm Row: Stand with your right side to an exercise bench or some other low, stable surface. Take a dumbbell in your left hand. Bending at the waist, rest your right hand and knee on the bench and let your left arm (holding the weight) hang straight down. Slowly lift the dumbbell up close to your body until it reaches your chest. Then lower it until your left arm is straight again. Repeat at least 12 times. After this set, switch sides, holding the dumbbell in your right hand to work your right arm.

The one-arm row works the middle back and the lats. It also works the rhomboid muscles, which originate on the spinal column and attach to the middle part of the scapula. The job of the rhomboids is to aid squeezing the shoulder blades together. If you develop them even a little, they will help your back to look fabulous.

The "Dumb" Pullover: Lie flat on an exercise bench with your butt resting on the very end and your feet flat on floor. Take a dumbbell and hold it with both hands as high above your chest as you can. With elbows slightly bent, slowly lower the dumbbell backward over your head until you feel a stretch in your sides. Then slowly bring the dumbbell back up until it's again high up over your chest. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

The pullover works the upper back. It also works the lower pectorals and triceps.

How To Lose Back Fat the 'Dumb' Way

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Full Body Dumbbell Workout - The Best There Is?

!9# Full Body Dumbbell Workout - The Best There Is?

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I'm not surprised people are confused. Walk into any gym today and you'll be overwhelmed by the shiny machines and fancy equipment. It is easy to start believing you need all this equipment to meet your fitness, fat loss and physique building goals. But in my opinion, a full body dumbbell workout can do everything those expensive machines do, better!

Just so we're on the same page, let me start by saying you don't need a gym full of fancy equipment to get fit, burn fat and build the type of body that turns heads. You don't even need to join a gym at all. A full body dumbbell workout, dedication and consistency are all you need.

First of all, did you know you can get an excellent full body workout using only dumbbells?

Yes, that's right. You can use dumbbells for more than curls and flies! I know it sounds crazy, but if I hand someone a dumbbell, the first thing they do is try to curl it. I hand it to them, and without thinking, the curling motion begins. But these limited motion exercises using small muscle groups are not the only reason to use dumbbells. As a matter of fact, if you are only using dumbbells for a limited amount of exercises, you're missing out on their true potential.

When I say, "full body dumbbell workout", here is what I mean:

- Dumbbells are the only piece of equipment used.

- Upper body, core and lower body are all worked.

- The heart and lungs are also involved

With dumbbells, you can perform workouts that involve all the big, major muscle groups AND the cardiorespiratory system. You can train both muscles and the heart and lungs at the same time. So when I say "full body" I mean full body.

Compare this to "bodybuilding" style workouts that split the body into small muscles and focuses on training each muscle separately. And forget about getting a heart and lung workout. You'll have to do that separately!

The truth is, there are many different types of dumbbell exercises. There are grinding strength exercises, explosive power exercises and rhythmic exercises requiring both incredible strength and endurance. Each type of exercise can be arranged into a full body dumbbell workout that simultaneously improves fitness, burns fat and builds strong muscles.

The secret to reaching your goals is to get the most out of your training equipment and training time. So, don't overlook the power of full body dumbbell workouts. If you have access to a set of dumbbells, you have everything you need to get a great workout. And you don't even need to drive to the gym!

Full Body Dumbbell Workout - The Best There Is?

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Jillian Michaels Ultimate 12.5 Adjustable Speed Dumbbells

!9# Jillian Michaels Ultimate 12.5 Adjustable Speed Dumbbells

Brand : Jillian Michaels | Rate : | Price : $69.77
Post Date : Oct 08, 2011 07:19:33 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Adjustable dumbbell set with space-saving design
  • Allows user to increase intensity with a single set of dumbbells
  • Each cast-iron dumbbell adjusts from 2.5 pounds to 12.5 pounds
  • Soft-grip handles and cast-iron weight plates
  • Includes storage tray and exercise chart

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Jillian Michaels Ultimate 12.5 Adjustable Speed Dumbbells

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jillian Michaels Ultimate Dumbbell Power Set

!9#Jillian Michaels Ultimate Dumbbell Power Set

Brand : Jillian Michaels
Rate :
Price : $48.99
Post Date : Oct 04, 2011 14:54:56
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Jillian's signature small-size dumbbells are perfect for building and toning muscle, tightening trouble areas, and increasing workout efficiencyTwo of each size dumbbell included - 3, 5, and 8 lbs.Dumbbells are ergonomically shaped to feel comfortable in your handRubber-covered to help you maintain grip even when sweatingTravel and store in the convenient and attractive storage trayExercise chart and instructional DVD featuring Jillian Michaels includedManufacturer's warranty included - see Product Guarantee area for complete detailsAbout Jillian Michaels Jillian Michaels, most widely known as one of the intense trainers on TV's The Biggest Loser, has created some of the most popular and successful fitness training products available today. From accessories to DVDs to video games, Jillian Michaels endorses only the best and most effective fitness equipment available. Her line of workout accessories and tools manufactured by ICON boast both the celebrity name and the credentials of manufacture by one of the world's leading innovators in the field.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Benefits of Using Adjustable Dumbbells

!9# The Benefits of Using Adjustable Dumbbells

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One of the best types of exercises you can do for your body and your health is weight lifting. Something to remember the many people who are prone to this effect, the benefits of the use of adjustable dumbbells, work whenever you are at home. Although it is quite possible for you to join a gym and dumbbells for all records that are at your disposal ready to hand, it is not always the most convenient choice to go. Remember, the moreto efficiently manage your workouts are, the more you participate in them.

There are actually several types of adjustable dumbbells, you might be interested in trying. Depending on the amount of money to spend and how easy it is to work with mechanical things is, you can decide the amount you want to use. Here are some of the most popular choices, along with a recommendation that we or those we useregularly.

One of the original types of adjustable dumbbells, and certainly one of the cheapest ways that you can get the weight of plastic with removable ends that can be filled with water or concrete. Most people tend to overlook this, just think that is a child's toy, but not so sure. This is an excellent opportunity for you to save money and get a great workout if you regularly use. The weight is the weight and are very safe, provided you keep the 'Ensure. I still have some of these laying around the house and when I use them in my training.

Another type of adjustable dumbbells such as this is only a step forward. They have more of a professional look to them as if they belong to a gym. Very rare, but you see these machines in the gym, since most of them do not carry weight, adjustment, or only very few of them are in the best case. This, as with most economicOrder I have said a great way for you to get in shape, provided that they use them regularly.

The newer type of adjustable dumbbells, not with the sleeve over the end to be removed in order to change the weight to come. There are several companies that make these exceptional variety of dumbbells and all that is really needed for the back bar in the container, turning a few knobs and lift rodwith new weights.

Regardless of the type of weight you use, so make sure you use them regularly, and get so much more. It 'really does not matter if you're picking up a plastic container filled with water or $ 1,000 if you are working with dumb-bells, the results will be similar.

The Benefits of Using Adjustable Dumbbells

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Tips for buying their own set Hexagon solid dumbbell

!9# Tips for buying their own set Hexagon solid dumbbell

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Look for the dumbbell perfect, but have no idea where to start? Google the word "stem" and will be adding more online stores, comments and blog posts, all your confusion may actually be flooded. Moreover, when it comes to solid set of dumbbell weights, prices may vary between stores, making it difficult for you to decide to go that memory so that the greatest savings. To help you decide the perfect set hexagon solid dumbbell, here are some tipsdumbbells and tricks in the election.

Tip 1: When it comes to free weights, remember that there are two main types: the fixed adjustable dumbbells and barbells.

Be assigned even though there are many types of sets of dumbbells in the market, all either adjustable or fixed. The adjustable handlebars, as the name suggests, can be adjusted according to the weight you need. They are the best, when you need a wide range of weights for your exercise routine. For example, you canstrong biceps, but very weak back muscles. This means that you need different weights for different muscle groups. If you're not going to increase muscle mass are clearly visible, you can go for, say, a 50 lb adjustable dumbbell set. However, some adjustable dumbbells in fact very difficult to adjust and may take some time before it sets.

So if you need a very fast transition between exercises, you're better off with a set of solid cast iron dumbbells hex. HexFree weights are fixed, which means that you can not change their weight given. You need to use different pairs of hex dumbbells, if this is the case, which may actually be more expensive than buying just one set of dumbbell your favorite store.

Tip # 2: the first based on comments, please do remember the need for weights.

Looking for dumbbells, because you have to go through weight training for a weight loss program? Youwant a set of dumbbells to train for a specific sport? Do you really want big muscles for a bodybuilding contest, or even your great strength and endurance with weight lifting and other sports events? A second purpose is to vary the weight to suit your needs. If you do not want to increase muscle mass, but they need more muscle mass, could be useful if the resistance does not increase dramatically. To increase your steps to keep within 2.5 pounds to 5 pounds perTo keep their muscle mass. This means you probably only need two pairs of small dumbbells 58 hex.

On the other hand, if you need more muscles for a bodybuilding contest, you need a wide range of weights from 10 pounds to 100 pound dumbbells. In this case, the purchase of a whole series of hexagonal dumbbells in this area would be completely a waste of money. Going for a set of dumbbells would be the most practical.In addition, an adjustable barbell, you also get to save space. You can easily book handlebars slide under the bed or under a table and you're good. With a complete set of hex dumbbells, you must be a horizontal or a vertical rack in the rack does not lose or fail to keep your hex dumbbells.

With the tips above you are on your way to choosing the right set of dumbbells!

Tips for buying their own set Hexagon solid dumbbell

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

PowerBlock SportBlock 24 Adjustable 3 to 24-Pounds per Dumbbell Set

!9# PowerBlock SportBlock 24 Adjustable 3 to 24-Pounds per Dumbbell Set

Brand : Power Block | Rate : | Price : $179.95
Post Date : Sep 01, 2011 23:21:06 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

This set adjusts from 3-24 lbs in 3 lb increments (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 lbs) in each hand. This set has a maximum weight of 24 lbs per hand and cannot be made heavier than the 24 lb maximum weight per hand. It replaces 8 pair or 16 fixed dumbbells that would have a combined weight of 216 lbs.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cap Barbell Rubber Dumbbell Set, 200-Pounds

!9# Cap Barbell Rubber Dumbbell Set, 200-Pounds

Brand : Cap Barbell
Rate :
Price : $358.02
Post Date : Aug 23, 2011 22:33:05
Usually ships in 3-4 business days

CAP Barbell's 200 lb Coated Hex Dumbbell set is the ideal workout set for home use. The package includes a pair of 10 to 30 lb dumbbells in 5 lb increments for a total of 200 lbs. Also included with the set is a black 'A' frame dumbbell rack made of durable steel construction to keep your dumbbells organized. The hex shaped dumbbells are made of solid cast iron with a durable protective black plastic coating. The pvc coating means there is no rubber odor typically associated with rubber coated dumbbells. The handles are made of steel with ergonomic handgrips for comfort. 6 sided hexagon shape heads prevents the dumbbells from rolling. Warning: This product contains one or more phthalate chemicals known to the state of California to cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. Consumer may return the product for a full refund, including shipping cost for both receipt and return of the product within 15 days of his or her receipt.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

PowerBlock Classic Adjustable Dumbbell Set

!9# PowerBlock Classic Adjustable Dumbbell Set

Brand : Power Block | Rate : | Price : $338.00
Post Date : Aug 14, 2011 03:16:35 | Usually ships in 1 to 2 days

This set adjusts from 5-45 lbs in 5 lb increments (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 lbs) in each hand. This set has a maximum weight of 45 lbs per hand. It replaces 9 pair or 18 fixed dumbbells that would have a combined weight of 450 lbs.

  • Pair of adjustable dumbbell weights for efficient, cost-effective strength training
  • Adjusts from 5 to 45 pounds in 5-pound increments (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 pounds)
  • Selector pin lets you change weights easily, just like with weight stack at the gym
  • More compact and balanced than traditional dumbbells; padded handle for wrist protection
  • Offers maximum weight of 45 pounds per hand; limited 10-year warranty

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